How to Use the Budgeting Keypad

When starting a new budget, you will notice our keypad with handy features to make your budgeting process smoother. Here's a quick overview on how to use these features.

Suggested Button

The suggested amount button serves as a recommendation and is to be used at your own discretion. It's calculated based on various factors to provide guidance when working out your budget.

  • For variable envelopes, the suggested amount is based on the average you've spent in that envelope over the past 3 months.
  • For fixed envelopes, the calculation is based on the total amount of your bill divided by the number of paycheques you receive between now and your bill due date (based on your payment frequency set in the budget flow).
  • For savings envelopes with a deadline date, the suggested amount is based on the number of paycheques you have between now and your deadline date (based on your payment frequency set in the budget flow).
suggested amount button

Quick Add Buttons

When adding money to your envelopes in the budget flow, these buttons allow you to quickly add $1, $5, $10, or $20. This reduces the need to manually input the dollar amount using the '+' sign.

quick add buttons

Zero Out An Envelope

When you need to set an envelope balance to $0 in the budget flow, simply use the 'Zero Out' button. This eliminates the need to manually press the '-' sign and enter the current balance amount.

zero out an envelope

Adding or Subtracting to an Envelope Balance

Whether you're adding to or subtracting from the current balance in an envelope, these buttons save you from mental math and reduce errors. Just press '+' or '-' and enter the amount. Press '=' to see the total, then use the check mark to proceed to the next envelope.

adding or subtracting to an envelope balance

Delete Button

This button allows you to delete anything you've just typed in the field, or if you want to remove the amount from your envelope.

delete button

Checkmark Button

The checkmark button is used to confirm your actions within the envelope during budgeting. It indicates that you're satisfied with the changes made and you're ready to move on to the next envelope.

checkmark button
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